FIGURE 3 from Identification of MUC1-C as a Target for Suppressing Progression of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas


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MUC1-C regulates expression of PRRs and effectors of the type I and II IFN pathways. A, CAL27/tet-MUC1shRNA cells treated with vehicle or DOX for 6 days were analyzed for RIG-I and MDA5 mRNA levels. The results (mean ± SD of four determinations) are expressed as relative levels compared with that obtained for vehicle-treated cells (assigned a value of 1). B, CAL27 cells expressing the indicated vectors were treated with vehicle or DOX for 7 days. Lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies against the indicated proteins. C, CAL27/tet-MUC1shRNA cells treated with vehicle or DOX for 7 days were analyzed for STAT1, STAT2, and IRF9 mRNA levels. The results (mean ± SD of four determinations) are expressed as relative levels compared with that obtained for vehicle-treated cells (assigned a value of 1). D, CAL27 cells expressing the indicated vectors were treated with vehicle or DOX for 7 days. Lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies against the indicated proteins. E, CAL27/tet-MUC1shRNA cells treated with vehicle or DOX for 7 days were analyzed for OAS1, MX1, and ISG15 mRNA levels. The results (mean ± SD of four determinations) are expressed as relative levels compared with that obtained for vehicle-treated cells (assigned a value of 1). F, CAL27 cells expressing the indicated vectors were treated with vehicle or DOX for 7 days. Lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies against the indicated proteins. G, CAL27/tet-MUC1shRNA cells treated with vehicle or DOX for 7 days were analyzed for GBP-1, IDO-1, and WARS mRNA levels. The results (mean ± SD of four determinations) are expressed as relative levels compared with that obtained for vehicle-treated cells (assigned a value of 1). H, CAL27 cells expressing the indicated vectors were treated with vehicle or DOX for 7 days. Lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies against the indicated proteins.

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