Disparities in Metabolic Syndrome and Neurocognitive Function Among Older Hispanics/Latinos with Human Immunodeficiency Virus


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Neurocognitive impairment and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are prevalent in persons with HIV (PWH). We examined disparities in HIV-associated neurocognitive function between Hispanic and non-Hispanic White older PWH, and the role of MetS in explaining these disparities. Participants included 116 community-dwelling PWH aged 50-75 years enrolled in a cohort study in southern California [58 Hispanic (53% Spanish speaking) and 58 age-comparable non-Hispanic White; overall group: age: M = 57.9, standard deviation (SD) = 5.7; education (years): M = 13, SD = 3.4; 83% male, 58% AIDS, 94% on antiretroviral therapy]. Global neurocognition was derived from T-scores adjusted for demographics (age, education, sex, ethnicity, language) on a battery of 10 cognitive tests. MetS was ascertained via standard criteria that considered central obesity, and fasting elevated triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and elevated glucose, or medical treatment for these conditions. Covariates examined included sociodemographic, psychiatric, substance use and HIV disease characteristics. Compared with non-Hispanic Whites, Hispanics showed worse global neurocognitive function (Cohen's d = 0.56, p < 0.05) and had higher rates of MetS (38% vs. 56%, p < 0.05). A stepwise regression model including ethnicity and significant covariates showed Hispanic ethnicity was the sole significant predictor of worse global neurocognition (B = -3.82, SE = 1.27, p < 0.01). A model also including MetS showed that both Hispanic ethnicity (B = -3.39, SE = 1.31, p = 0.01) and MetS (B = -2.73, SE = 1.31, p = 0.04) were independently associated with worse neurocognition. In conclusion, findings indicate that increased MetS is associated with worse neurocognitive function in both Hispanic and non-Hispanic White older PWH, but does not explain neurocognitive disparities. MetS remains an important target for intervention efforts to ameliorate neurocognitive dysfunction among diverse older PWH.
minority health,cardiovascular risk factors,cognition disorders,aging,HIV,ethnicity
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