The European Academy of Neurology NeuroCOVID‐19 Task Force: A lesson for the future

Francesco Cavallieri,Johann Sellner, Tamar Akhvlediani,Claudio L. Bassetti,Daniel Bereczki,Alessandra Fanciulli, Saša R. Filipović,Alla Guekht,Raimund Helbok, Sonja Hochmeister, Filippo Martinelli Boneschi,Tim J. von Oertzen,Serefnur Özturk,Alberto Priori, Dauren Ramankulov,Barbara Willekens, Martin Rakusa,Elena Moro

European Journal of Neurology(2024)

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AbstractBackgroundThe COVID‐19 pandemic has made its mark on world history forever causing millions of deaths, and straining health systems, economies, and societies worldwide. The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) reacted promptly. A special NeuroCOVID‐19 Task Force was set up at the beginning of the pandemic to promote knowledge, research, international collaborations, and raise awareness about the prevention and treatment of COVID‐19‐related neurological issues.MethodsActivities carried out during and after the pandemic by the EAN NeuroCOVID‐19 Task Force are described. The main aim was to review all these initiatives in detail as an overarching lesson from the past to improve the present and be better prepared in case of future pandemics.ResultsDuring the pandemic, the Task Force was engaged in several initiatives: the creation of the EAN NEuro‐covid ReGistrY (ENERGY); the launch of several surveys (neurological manifestations of COVID‐19 infection; the pandemic's impact on patients with chronic neurological diseases; the pandemic's impact of restrictions for clinical practice, curricular training, and health economics); the publication of position papers regarding the management of patients with neurological diseases during the pandemic, and vaccination hesitancy among people with chronic neurological disorders; and the creation of a dedicated “COVID‐19 Breaking News” section in EANpages.ConclusionsThe EAN NeuroCOVID‐19 Task Force was immediately engaged in various activities to participate in the fight against COVID‐19. The Task Force's concerted strategy may serve as a foundation for upcoming global neurological emergencies.
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