A novel classification of posterior pelvic exenteration to assess prognosis in female patients with locally advanced primary rectal cancer: a retrospective cohort study from China PelvEx collaborative

International Journal of Colorectal Disease(2024)

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Surgical techniques and the prognosis of posterior pelvic exenteration for locally advanced primary rectal cancer in female patients pose challenges that need to be addressed. Therefore, we investigated the short-term and survival outcomes of posterior pelvic exenteration in female patients using a novel Peking classification. We retrospectively analysed a prospective database from China PelvEx Collaborative across three tertiary referral centres. A total of 172 patients who underwent combined resection for locally advanced primary rectal cancer were classified based on four subtypes (PPE-I [64/172], PPE-II [68/172], PPE-III [21/172], and PPE-IV [19/172]) according to the Peking classification; perioperative characteristics and short-term and oncological outcomes were analysed. Differences were significant among the four groups regarding colorectal reconstruction (p < 0.001), perineal reconstruction (p < 0.001), in-hospital complications (p < 0.05), and urinary retention (p < 0.05). The R0 resection rates for PPE-I, PPE-II, PPE-III, and PPE-IV were 90.6
Posterior pelvic exenteration,Oncological outcome,Peking classification,Locally advanced rectal cancer
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