AhR signaling modulates Ferroptosis by regulating SLC7A11 expression

Ziyue Kou, Franklin Tram, Tania Colon, Yvette Shteynfeld, Suwon Noh,Fei Chen,Byeong Hyeok Choi,Wei Dai

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology(2024)

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The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that is pivotal in development, metabolic homeostasis, and immune responses. While recent research has highlighted AhR's significant role in modulating oxidative stress responses, its mechanistic relationship with ferroptosis—an iron-dependent, non-apoptotic cell death—remains to be fully elucidated. In our study, we discovered that AhR plays a crucial role in ferroptosis, in part by transcriptionally regulating the expression of the solute carrier family 7 member 11 (SLC7A11). Our findings indicate that both pharmacological inactivation and genetic ablation of AhR markedly enhance erastin-induced ferroptosis. This enhancement is achieved by suppressing SLC7A11, leading to increased lipid peroxidation. We also obtained evidence of post-translational modifications of SLC7A11 during ferroptosis. Additionally, we observed that indole 3-pyruvate (I3P), an endogenous ligand of AhR, protects cells from ferroptosis through an AhR-dependent mechanism. Based on these insights, we propose that AhR transcriptionally regulates the expression of SLC family genes, which in turn play a pivotal role in mediating ferroptosis. This underscores AhR's essential role in suppressing lipid oxidation and ensuring cell survival under oxidative stress.
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor,Ferroptosis,SLC7A11,Erastin,Knockout,Indole 3-Pyruvate,AhR Ligand
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