Cardio-Oncology: Examination of Progress in China from an Oncologist's Perspective

Xiaojia Wang, K. Sharma,Zhanhong Chen, Shanshan Wang

Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing(2024)

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Cardio-Oncology, situated at the confluence of cancer and cardiovascular health, addresses the complex interrelationship between these two disciplines, encompassing shared risk factors, interventions, and complications arising from cancer treatment. This perspective provides a comprehensive overview of the development and current status of Cardio-Oncology globally and in China, highlighting key milestones, challenges, and initiatives shaping the discipline's trajectory. Beginning with a retrospective analysis of the emergence of Cardio-Oncology on the global stage, we trace its evolution from the establishment of pioneering institutions and international conferences to the formulation of official clinical practice guidelines by leading Chinese cardiovascular societies. Focusing on China, we examine the nation's journey in embracing Cardio-Oncology, from its inception in the late 20th century to recent advancements and initiatives aimed at fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. Despite significant progress, challenges persist, including limited awareness among oncologists, disparities in clinic distribution within the oncology framework, and the need for enhanced multidisciplinary awareness. However, recent efforts to establish dedicated Cardio-Oncology organizations and initiatives across China signal a promising trajectory for the field's advancement. By bridging the gap between cardiology and oncology, Cardio-Oncology stands poised to optimize cancer treatment outcomes while safeguarding cardiovascular health, heralding a new era of integrated patient care in China and beyond.
Cardio-Oncology,Cancer,Oncologist,Interdisciplinary,Cardiovascular Complications,China
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