Evidence of Pop III stars' chemical signature in neutral gas at z∼6. A study based on the E-XQR-30 spectroscopic sample


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This study explores the metal enrichment signatures attributed to the first generation of stars (PopIII) in the Universe, focusing on the E-XQR-30 sample. We aim to identify traces of Pop III metal enrichment by analyzing neutral gas in the interstellar medium of primordial galaxies and their satellite clumps, detected in absorption. To chase the chemical signature of PopIII stars, we studied metal absorption systems in the E-XQR-30 sample, selected through the detection of the OI absorption line at 1302A. The OI line is a reliable tracer of HI and allowed us to overcome the challenges posed by the Lyman-α forest's increasing saturation at redshifts above ∼5 to identify Damped Lyman-α systems (DLA). We detected and analyzed 29 OI systems at z≥5.4, differentiating between proximate DLAs (PDLA) and intervening DLAs. Voigt function fits were applied to obtain ionic column densities, and relative chemical abundances were determined for 28 systems. These were then compared with the predictions of theoretical models. Our findings expand the study of OI systems at z≥5.4 fourfold. No systematic differences were observed in the average chemical abundances between PDLAs and intervening DLAs. The chemical abundances in our sample align with literature systems at z>4.5, suggesting a similar enrichment pattern for this class of absorption systems. A comparison between these DLA-analogues at 4.5更多
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