Immune cell composition and inflammatory profile of human peri-implantitis and periodontitis lesions


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Peri-implantitis (PI) and periodontitis (PD) are common oral inflammatory diseases, which seem to exhibit critical differences in some of their molecular features. Thus, we assessed the immune cell composition of PI and PD lesions and the corresponding inflammatory profile in soft tissues and crevicular fluid. PI, PD, and control patients were recruited (n = 62), and soft tissue biopsies were collected during surgery. Crevicular fluid around implant or tooth was collected. The proportions of major immune cell populations in tissues were analyzed by flow cytometry, and the inflammatory profile in tissue and crevicular fluid by a multiplex immunoassay. No significant difference was seen between PI and PD lesions in the proportions of immune cells. PI tissues showed an increased frequency of B cells in comparison with control tissues, along with higher levels of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-4, and BAFF in tissue and crevicular fluid. Moreover, TNF-alpha, IL-17A, and BAFF were higher in PI tissues, but not in PD, than in control tissues. The immune cell composition did not differ significantly between PI and PD, but an enhanced inflammatory profile was seen in PI tissue. PI lesions were enriched in B cells, and displayed increased levels of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-4, and BAFF in both tissue and crevicular fluid. Peri-implantitis (PI) and periodontitis (PD) are common oral inflammatory diseases. Here we explored the immune cell composition and the corresponding inflammatory profile in soft tissues and crevicular fluid of PI and PD lesions. We found an incremental increase in the proportion of B cells from non-diseased to PI tissues, as well as an enhanced inflammatory profile in PI. Graphical Abstract
mucosal immunity,inflammation,cytokines,periodontitis,peri-implantitis
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