Influence of precursor aging and condensation progression on silica thin films grown by electrochemically induced sol-gel deposition

Electrochimica Acta(2024)

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Electrochemically induced sol-gel enables the fast synthesis of functional oxide coatings. In the case of silica, the condensation reaction can be catalysed by electrogenerated hydroxides. Using this technique, highly organized nanostructured thin films can be deposited onto conductive substrates by combining structure-directing templates with the electrochemically induced silica sol-gel process that occurs locally at the electrode surface. This specific template-directed process, called electrochemically assisted self-assembly (EASA), utilizes a sol-gel precursor solution optimized for a minimal spontaneous condensation (and gelation) rate in the absence of an electrochemical trigger. Despite the slow kinetics of the condensation reaction, the solution remains unstable and some incipient condensation reactions will still occur over time, continuously modifying the Si(IV) precursor solution. In this work, we discuss how precursor's aging affects the deposition rate and the properties of the deposited coatings. Two distinct aging effects are observed: an aging effect which occurs over time and an aging effect which occurs through electrochemical activation during preceding depositions. Both these aging effects result in accelerated film growth rates, up to 200 × faster than the deposition rate from a fresh precursor solution. Additionally, it was observed that time aging yields less resistive, weaker films, while electrochemical aging leads to films which retain similar properties as films grown using fresh precursor solutions. The time aging effect could be inhibited by storing the precursor solution at -35°C. These observations are explained based on the different condensation pathways during acidic and alkaline condensation, which is known to yield inherently different silica oligomer products. The results and insights described here contribute to upscaling the electrochemical sol-gel process for mesoporous silica films and provides further fundamental insights into the underlying silica condensation reactions.
Electrochemically Assisted Self-Assembly (EASA),Electrodeposition,Sol-Gel Coating,Mesoporous Silica Thin Films
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