Echo Chambers in the Age of Algorithms: An Audit of Twitter's Friend Recommender System

Web Science Conference(2024)

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The presence of political misinformation and ideological echo chambers on social media platforms is concerning given the important role that these sites play in the public's exposure to news and current events. Algorithmic systems employed on these platforms are presumed to play a role in these phenomena, but little is known about their mechanisms and effects. In this work, we conduct an algorithmic audit of Twitter's Who-To-Follow friend recommendation system, the first empirical audit that investigates the impact of this algorithm in-situ. We create automated Twitter accounts that initially follow left and right affiliated U.S. politicians during the 2022 U.S. midterm elections and then grow their information networks using the platform's recommender system. We pair the experiment with an observational study of Twitter users who already follow the same politicians. Broadly, we find that while following the recommendation algorithm leads accounts into dense and reciprocal neighborhoods that structurally resemble echo chambers, the recommender also results in less political homogeneity of a user's network compared to accounts growing their networks through social endorsement. Furthermore, accounts that exclusively followed users recommended by the algorithm had fewer opportunities to encounter content centered on false or misleading election narratives compared to choosing friends based on social endorsement.
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