Progress in Paratuberculosis Control Programmes for Dairy Herds


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Simple Summary Paratuberculosis control programmes in countries with a relevant dairy industry differ largely in participation and progress. Despite over a century of experience with paratuberculosis control efforts, major knowledge gaps still exist, including the efficacy of control programmes and drivers and barriers influencing the uptake of control programmes amongst farmers. Biennially, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) brings together experts on paratuberculosis control to share the most recent knowledge and experiences regarding practical aspects of paratuberculosis control. Taken together, studies on control programmes presented at the 7th and 8th IDF ParaTB Fora and the 15th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis (ICP) indicated a key finding that a reduction of the prevalence of Map infection had been achieved by various programmes. Important prerequisites for successful control were long-term stable funding, stakeholder commitment and incentives for farmers to participate. Focal topics to improve the control of Map were identified, including improved communication about the epidemiology of infection and its control, increased attention to intrauterine, calf-to-calf and adult-to-adult transmission, sound but easy-to-use surveillance schemes, measures to reduce between-herd transmission and breeding for resistance to Map infection. Research in parallel with these programmes was found to keep interest in Map control high among stakeholders and farmers and to enable programme improvement.Abstract While paratuberculosis control has been studied for over a century, knowledge gaps still exist regarding the uptake and efficacy of control programmes. This narrative review aims to summarise studies on control programmes presented at the IDF ParaTB Fora in 2021 and 2022 and the International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis in 2022. Studies were grouped by topic as follows: successful control, field studies, education and extension, voluntary and compulsory control programmes, and surveillance. Various Map control programmes resulted in a decreasing animal and herd level Map prevalence. Long-term stakeholder commitment, stable funding, involvement of herd veterinarians and incentives for farmers to participate were shown to be pivotal for long-term success. Control measures focused on vertical and calf-to-calf transmission may improve Map control in infected herds. Easy-to-capture visualisation of surveillance test results to inform participants on the progress of Map control in their herds was developed. The probability of freedom from disease and estimated within-herd prevalence were identified as good candidates for categorisation of herds to support low-risk trade of cattle. Results of the surveillance schemes may inform genetic selection for resistance to Map infection. In conclusion, successful paratuberculosis control is feasible at both the herd and country level provided that crucial prerequisites are met.
paratuberculosis,Johne's disease,Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis,voluntary control,education,surveillance,financial aid,future perspectives
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