TimeCSL: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning of General Shapelets for Explorable Time Series Analysis


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Unsupervised (a.k.a. Self-supervised) representation learning (URL) has emerged as a new paradigm for time series analysis, because it has the ability to learn generalizable time series representation beneficial for many downstream tasks without using labels that are usually difficult to obtain. Considering that existing approaches have limitations in the design of the representation encoder and the learning objective, we have proposed Contrastive Shapelet Learning (CSL), the first URL method that learns the general-purpose shapelet-based representation through unsupervised contrastive learning, and shown its superior performance in several analysis tasks, such as time series classification, clustering, and anomaly detection. In this paper, we develop TimeCSL, an end-to-end system that makes full use of the general and interpretable shapelets learned by CSL to achieve explorable time series analysis in a unified pipeline. We introduce the system components and demonstrate how users interact with TimeCSL to solve different analysis tasks in the unified pipeline, and gain insight into their time series by exploring the learned shapelets and representation.
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