A Novel Microfluidics Droplet-Based Interdigitated Ring-Shaped Electrode Sensor for Lab-on-a-Chip Applications

Salomao Moraes da Silva Junior, Luiz Eduardo Bento Ribeiro,Fabiano Fruett,Johan Stiens,Jacobus Willibrordus Swart,Stanislav Moshkalev


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Droplet-based microfluidics has revolutionized numerous fields such as biomedical research, pharmaceuticals, drug discovery, food engineering, flow chemistry, and cosmetics. This paper presents a comprehensive study focusing on the detection and characterization of droplets with volumes in the nanoliter range. Leveraging the precise control of minute liquid volumes, we introduced a novel spectroscopic On-Chip microsensor equipped with integrated microfluidic channels for droplet generation, characterization, and sensing, simultaneously. The microsensor, designed with Interdigitated-Ring-Shaped Electrodes (IRSE) and seamlessly integrated with microfluidic channels, offers enhanced capacitance and impedance signal amplitudes, reproducibility, and reliability in droplet analysis. We were able to make analyses of droplets length in the range 1.0-6.0 mm, velocity 0.66-2.51 mm/s, droplet volume 1.07nL-113.46nL. Experimental results demonstrated that the microsensor's has a great performance in terms of droplet size, velocity, and length, with a significant signal amplitude of capacitance and impedance, and real-time detection capabilities, thereby highlighting its potential for facilitating microcapsule reactions and enabling on-site real-time detection for chemical and biosensor analyses on-chip.
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