Joint modeling of longitudinal CD4 count data and time to first occurrence of composite outcome

Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases(2024)

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In this study, we jointly modeled longitudinal CD4 count data and survival outcome (time-to-first occurrence of composite outcome of death, cardiac tamponade or constriction) in other to investigate the effects of Mycobacterium indicus pranii immunotherapy and the CD4 count measurements on the hazard of the composite outcome among patients with HIV and tuberculous (TB) pericarditis. In this joint modeling framework, the models for longitudinal and the survival data are linked by an association structure. The association structure represents the hazard of the event for 1-unit increase in the longitudinal measurement. Models fitting and parameter estimation were carried out using R version 4.2.3. The association structure that represents the strength of the association between the hazard for an event at time point j and the area under the longitudinal trajectory up to the same time j provides the best fit. We found that 1-unit increase in CD4 count results in 2 % significant reduction in the hazard of the composite outcome. Among HIV and TB pericarditis individuals, the hazard of the composite outcome does not differ between of M.indicus pranii versus placebo. Application of joint models to investigate the effect of M.indicus pranii on the hazard of the composite outcome is limited. Hence, this study provides information on the effect of M.indicus pranii on the hazard of the composite outcome among HIV and TB pericarditis patients.
Anti-retroviral therapy,Composite outcome,Cox-proportional hazard model,Joint model,Mycobacterium indicus pranii immunotherapy,Tuberculosis pericarditis
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