FIGURE 3 from Nanoparticle-mediated Photodynamic Therapy as a Method to Ablate Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Preclinical Models


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Pharmacokinetic profiles of PS nanoparticles in tumor-bearing mice and rabbit models of oral cavity cancer. Plasma concentration-time profiles of PS in Cal-33 and MOC22 mouse models (A) and VX-2 rabbit model (B). Units µg/mL. Additional pharmacokinetic analysis is detailed in Supplementary Table S2. Tissue concentrations of PS in Cal-33 and MOC22 mouse models (C) and VX-2 rabbit model (D) 24 hours post-injection. Units µg/g. Additional tissue distribution data are provided in Supplementary Tables S3–S5. Ratios of PS tissue concentration normalized to muscle concentration in Cal-33 and MOC22 mouse models (E) and VX-2 rabbit model (F) 24 hours post-injection. Unitless. Representative fluorescence images and ratios of PS ex vivo tissue fluorescence normalized to muscle fluorescence in Cal-33 and MOC22 mouse models (G), and VX-2 rabbit model (H) 24 hours postinjection. Unitless. Additional PS tissue selectivity data are provided in Supplementary Tables S6 and S7. For A, B, Mean ± SD. Table statistics: mean ± SE N = 5 mice/model. N = 6 rabbits. For C, D, E, and F, Tukey box-and-whisker plot with “+” denoting mean (mean value labeled above). N = 5 mice/tissue/model. N = 3 rabbits/tissue. For G and H, Bar plot with mean + SD (mean value labeled above). N = 5 mice/tissue/model. N = 3 rabbits/tissue. For G, Ex: 675 nm, Em: 720 nm, 1 second exposure time. For H, Ex: 675 nm, Em: 720 nm long pass. For mouse models: PS dose = 10 mg/kg, 400–500 MBq 64Cu/kg, i.v. For rabbit models: PS dose = 10 mg/kg, i.v.

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