16.2 A 28nm 69.4kOPS 4.4μJ/Op Versatile Post-Quantum Crypto-Processor Across Multiple Mathematical Problems

2024 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)(2024)

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The migration towards post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is in progress to secure communications and transactions against the impending quantum threat, while three key-encapsulation mechanisms (KEM) and one digital signature (DS) scheme are being standardized by NIST [1]. This multi-year migration poses serious challenges to PQC implementations for compatibility and performance requirements in various scenarios and settings: 1) Performance limitations caused by diverse computation patterns and relatively higher computation costs. 2) Crypto-agility resulting from different mathematical problems, various security parameters, or even different standardization bodies. 3.) Domain-specific optimization to address the long-term security of the evolving algorithm families. However, most existing PQC accelerators [2, 3, 5] were only customized for specific algorithms based on unique mathematical problems. The latest configurable PQC processor [4] did not support Falcon and Sphincs+, which are being drafted for standardization. To address this issue, a versatile PQC processor fabricated in 28nm is presented with three key features: 1) task-clustering-based architecture for scalable processing with aggressive parallelism; 2) region-based task-path (TP) with dynamic update for agile cryptographic computing; 3) efficient PQC task-operators (TO), including hash/sample, format, floating-point/complex, encoding/decoding operators, for further improvements on throughput and energy-efficiency. Based on these contributions, the proposed chip supports all predominant schemes in NIST’s PQC standardization, while still delivering 44.6% and 10.3% improvements in the throughput and energy-delay product (EDP), respectively, relative to a state-of-the-art design [4].
Mathematical Problem,Time Constant,Energy Efficiency,Feedback Mechanism,Butterfly,Performance Requirements,Complex Field,Improve Energy Efficiency,Task Scheduling,Standard Body,Key Generation,Digital Signature,Different Types Of Tasks,Security Parameter,Memory Block,Throughput Improvement,Degree Of Parallelism,Running Tasks,Automatic Alignment,Scalar Operators
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