Radical Collective Intelligence and the Reimagining of Cognitive Science


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To introduce our special issue How Minds Work: The Collective in the Individual, we propose "radical CI," a form of collective intelligence, as a new paradigm for cognitive science. Radical CI posits that the representations and processes necessary to perform the cognitive functions that humans perform are collective entities, not encapsulated by any individual. To explain cognitive performance, it appeals to the distribution of cognitive labor on the assumption that the human project runs on countless interactions between locally acting individuals with specialized skills that each retain a small part of the relevant information. Some of the papers in the special issue appeal to radical CI to account for a variety of cognitive phenomena including memory performance, metacognition, belief updating, reasoning, and problem-solving. Other papers focus on the cultural and institutional practices that make radical CI possible. The notion that cognition is collective has a long pedigree but is enjoying considerable attention in the cognitive sciences as multiple fields of study deliver evidence for the central role of community and culture in cognition. To introduce the special issue of TopiCS surveying this groundswell, we propose the concept of "radical collective intelligence," the view that some of the key representations and processes necessary to perform the cognitive functions that humans perform are collective entities, not encapsulated by any individual. This concept clarifies how the volume's contributions either rethink long-studied cognitive processes (memory, metacognition, reasoning) or contemplate how radical CI can arise.
Collective cognition,Collective intelligence,Introduction
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