Feasibility, Repeatability, and Correlation to Lung Function of Phase-Resolved Functional Lung (PREFUL) MRI-derived Pulmonary Artery Pulse Wave Velocity Measurements


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Background: Pulse wave velocity (PWV) in the pulmonary arteries (PA) is a marker of vascular stiffening. Currently, only phase-contrast (PC) MRI-based options exist to measure PA-PWV. Purpose: To test feasibility, repeatability, and correlation to clinical data of Phase-Resolved Functional Lung (PREFUL) MRI-based calculation of PA-PWV. Study Type: Retrospective. Subjects: 79 (26 female) healthy subjects (age range 19-78), 58 (24 female) patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, age range 40-77), 60 (33 female) patients with suspected pulmonary hypertension (PH, age range 28-85). Sequence: 2D spoiled gradient echo, 1.5T. Assessment: PA-PWV was measured from PREFUL-derived cardiac cycles based on the determination of temporal and spatial distance between lung vasculature voxels using a simplified (sPWV) method and a more comprehensive (cPWV) method including more elaborate distance calculation. For 135 individuals, PC MRI-based PWV (PWV-QA) was measured. Statistical Tests: Intraclass-correlation-coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CoV) were used to test repeatability. Nonparametric tests were used to compare cohorts. Correlation of sPWV/cPWV, PWV-QA, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) %predicted, residual volume (RV) %predicted, age, and right heart catheterization (RHC) data were tested. Significance level alpha = 0.05 was used. Results: sPWV and cPWV showed no significant differences between repeated measurements (P-range 0.10-0.92). CoV was generally lower than 15%. COPD and PH patients had significantly higher sPWV and cPWV than healthy subjects. Significant correlation was found between sPWV or cPWV and FEV1%pred. (R = -0.36 and R = -0.44), but not with RHC (P-range -0.11 - 0.91) or age (P-range 0.23-0.89). Correlation to RV%pred. was significant for cPWV (R = 0.42) but not for sPWV (R = 0.34, P = 0.055). For all cohorts, sPWV and cPWV were significantly correlated with PWV-QA (R = -0.41 and R = 0.48). Data Conclusion: PREFUL-derived PWV is feasible and repeatable. PWV is increased in COPD and PH patients and correlates to airway obstruction and hyperinflation. Level of Evidence:, 3 Technical Efficacy: Stage 2
pulse wave velocity,pulmonary circulation,lung,COPD,pulmonary hypertension
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