A structured oral chemotherapy teaching tool to improve adherence in adults with multiple myeloma: A pilot randomized controlled trial


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Introduction: Many of the newer treatments for adults with newly -diagnosed and relapsed multiple myeloma (MM) are orally administered. Adherence is a challenge, and little is known about strategies to optimize adherence. Materials and Methods: Forty-seven patients initiating orally -administered anti-myeloma therapy were enrolled and randomized in a pilot study to receive either standard of care teaching or the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer Oral agent Teaching Tool (MOATT), a structured teaching tool. Adherence was measured electronically with a Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS) cap. Optimal adherence was defined as an adherence rate of >= 90% over the six months study duration. Patients completed surveys regarding cancer therapy satisfaction and self -efficacy for medication management at one month and six months following the initiation of treatment in both arms. Results: The mean adherence of patients over six months was 86.9%; 43.9% of the cohort were classified as nonadherent using the 90% threshold of adherence. Mean adherence was similar among standard of care teaching (87.9%) versus the MOATT intervention tool (85.6%) as was cancer therapy satisfaction and self -efficacy for medication management. Discussion: In our pilot, the MOATT tool was not found to be feasible or acceptable. There were no preliminary differences noted between standard of care teaching versus the structured MOATT teaching tool with regards to overall adherence rates, cancer therapy satisfaction, or self -efficacy in medication management. Overall adherence rates were suboptimal in our study. Future research should work to identify aspects of educational interventions which are effective, and investigate different strategies which can be used to supplement patient education and potentially optimize medication adherence in patients with MM.
Multiple myeloma,Adherence,Symptoms,Health services
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