Lysimeter-based full fertilizer 15N balances corroborate direct dinitrogen emission measurements using the 15N gas flow method

Irina Yankelzon, Lexie Schilling,Klaus Butterbach-Bahl,Rainer Gasche, Jincheng Han, Lorenz Hartl, Julia Kepp,Amanda Matson,Ulrike Ostler,Clemens Scheer, Katrin Schneider, Arne Tenspolde,Reinhard Well,Benjamin Wolf, Nicole Wrage-Moennig,Michael Dannenmann

Biology and Fertility of Soils(2024)

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The 15N gas flux (15NGF) method allows for direct in situ quantification of dinitrogen (N2) emissions from soils, but a successful cross-comparison with another method is missing. The objectives of this study were to quantify N2 emissions of a wheat rotation using the 15NGF method, to compare these N2 emissions with those obtained from a lysimeter-based 15N fertilizer mass balance approach, and to contextualize N2 emissions with 15N enrichment of N2 in soil air. For four sampling periods, fertilizer-derived N2 losses (15NGF method) were similar to unaccounted fertilizer N fates as obtained from the 15N mass balance approach. Total N2 emissions (15NGF method) amounted to 21 ± 3 kg N ha− 1, with 13 ± 2 kg N ha− 1 (7.5
15NGF method,Denitrification,N2 emissions,Nitrogen balance,15N recovery,NH3,N2O,Drip fertigation
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