Updated recommendations for vaccination in adults with respiratory diseases Argentine Association of Respiratory Medicine, 2023


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Adult smokers, those with comorbidities, and the elderly, are at greater risk of contracting infections and their complications. Community acquired respiratory infections due to viruses, pneumococcus and other bacteria, affect both healthy and sick adults. There are vaccines that the pulmonologist must know and prescribe. The target strains of the influenza vaccine are defined by the WHO for the Southern hemisphere considering those involved in the previous influenza season in the Northern hemisphere. Its effectiveness depends on virulence, concordance between circulating and vaccine strains, and population coverage. The anti-pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine available since 1983 is being replaced by more effective conjugate vaccines to prevent infections related to serotypes present in them. Immunization against SARS-CoV-2 reduced the contagion, severity, and lethality of COVID-19. The acellular vaccine against Bordetella pertussis for adults is present for specific situations in the adult calendar; vaccinating them strengthens the control of childhood contagion. The double (diphtheria + tetanus), and triple (double + pertussis) bacterial vaccines, and the vaccines against measles, chickenpox, rubella, human papillomavirus, Haemophilus influenzae, meningococcus, herpes zoster, Argentine hemorrhagic fever and yellow fever, are of a more limited use. Soon we will have new vaccines such as the one recently approved by the FDA against respiratory syncytial virus. Through a consensus of experts in respiratory infections, we review the new evidence regarding the immunization of adults who consult a pulmonologist, and thus update the recommendations on vaccination made eight years ago.
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