Disconnectivity graphs for visualizing combinatorial optimization problems: challenges of embedding to Ising machines

Dmitrii Dobrynin, Adrien Renaudineau, Mohammad Hizzani,Dmitri Strukov, Masoud Mohseni,John Paul Strachan


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Physics-based Ising machines (IM) have risen to the challenge of solving hard combinatorial optimization problems with higher speed and better energy efficiency. Generally, such dedicated systems employ local search heuristics to traverse energy landscapes in searching for optimal solutions. Extending landscape geometry visualization tools, disconnectivity graphs, we quantify and address some of the major challenges met by IMs in the field of combinatorial optimization. Using efficient sampling methods, we visually capture landscapes of problems having diverse structure and hardness and featuring strong degeneracies, which act as entropic barriers for IMs. Furthermore, we investigate energy barriers, local minima, and configuration space clustering effects caused by locality reduction methods when embedding combinatorial problems to the Ising hardware. For this purpose, we sample disconnectivity graphs of PUBO energy landscapes and their different QUBO mappings accounting for both local minima and saddle regions. We demonstrate that QUBO energy landscape properties lead to the subpar performance of quadratic IMs and suggest directions for their improvement.
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