Redshift evolution and covariances for joint lensing and clustering studies with DESI Y1


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Galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL) and clustering measurements from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Year 1 (DESI Y1) dataset promise to yield unprecedented combined-probe tests of cosmology and the galaxy-halo connection. In such analyses, it is essential to identify and characterise all relevant statistical and systematic errors. In this paper, we forecast the covariances of DESI Y1 GGL+clustering measurements and characterise the systematic bias due to redshift evolution in the lens samples. Focusing on the projected clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing correlations, we compute a Gaussian analytical covariance, using a suite of N-body and log-normal simulations to characterise the effect of the survey footprint. Using the DESI One Percent Survey data, we measure the evolution of galaxy bias parameters for the DESI Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) and Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) samples. We find mild evolution in the LRGs in 0.4 < z < 0.8, subdominant compared to the expected statistical errors. For BGS, we find less evolution effects for brighter absolute magnitude cuts, at the cost of reduced sample size. We find that with a fiducial redshift bin width delta z = 0.1, evolution effects on GGL is negligible across all scales, all fiducial selection cuts, all fiducial redshift bins, given DESI Y1 sample size. Galaxy clustering is more sensitive to evolution due to the bias squared scaling. Nevertheless the redshift evolution effect is insignificant for clustering above the 1-halo scale of 0.1Mpc/h. For studies that wish to reliably access smaller scales, additional treatment of redshift evolution is likely needed. This study serves as a reference for GGL and clustering studies using the DESI Y1 sample
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