Negative Sampling in Knowledge Graph Representation Learning: A Review


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Knowledge graph representation learning (KGRL) or knowledge graph embedding (KGE) plays a crucial role in AI applications for knowledge construction and information exploration. These models aim to encode entities and relations present in a knowledge graph into a lower-dimensional vector space. During the training process of KGE models, using positive and negative samples becomes essential for discrimination purposes. However, obtaining negative samples directly from existing knowledge graphs poses a challenge, emphasizing the need for effective generation techniques. The quality of these negative samples greatly impacts the accuracy of the learned embeddings, making their generation a critical aspect of KGRL. This comprehensive survey paper systematically reviews various negative sampling (NS) methods and their contributions to the success of KGRL. Their respective advantages and disadvantages are outlined by categorizing existing NS methods into five distinct categories. Moreover, this survey identifies open research questions that serve as potential directions for future investigations. By offering a generalization and alignment of fundamental NS concepts, this survey provides valuable insights for designing effective NS methods in the context of KGRL and serves as a motivating force for further advancements in the field.
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