A targetable PREX2/RAC1/PI3Kβ signalling axis confers resistance to clinically relevant therapeutic approaches in melanoma


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Metastatic melanoma remains a major clinical challenge. Large-scale genomic sequencing of melanoma has identified bona fide activating mutations in RAC1, with mutations of its upstream regulator, the RAC-GEF PREX2, also commonly detected. Crucially, RAC1 mutations are associated with resistance to BRAF-targeting therapies. Despite the role of its homologue PREX1 in melanomagenesis, and evidence that some truncating PREX2 mutations drive increased RAC1 activity, no hotspot mutations have been identified, and the impact of PREX2 mutation remains contentious. Here, we use genetically engineered mouse models and patient-derived BRAFV600E-driven melanoma cell lines to dissect the role of PREX2 in melanomagenesis and response to therapy. We show that while PREX2 is dispensable for the initiation and progression of melanoma, its loss confers sensitivity to clinically relevant therapeutics. Importantly, genetic and pharmacological targeting of the RAC1 effector kinase PI3Kβ phenocopies PREX2 loss, sensitizing our model systems to therapy. Our data reveal a druggable PREX2/RAC1/PI3Kβ signalling axis in BRAF-mutant melanoma that could be exploited clinically. ### Competing Interest Statement This work was funded in part through a research agreement with AstraZeneca. The funder had no role in the conceptualization, study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, the decision to publish, or the preparation of the manuscript. O.J.S. receives funding from Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, and Cancer Research Horizons for research projects outwith the submitted work. S.T.B. is an employee of and shareholder in AstraZeneca PLC. The remaining authors declare no competing interests.
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