L-arginine attenuates Streptococcus uberis-induced inflammation by decreasing miR155 level

Yabing Gao,Jinye Lu,Zhenglei Wang,Naiyan Sun, Binfeng Wu, Xinru Han, Yuzhen Liu, Rui Yu,Yuanyuan Xu,Xiangan Han,Jinfeng Miao


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L-arginine, as an essential substance of the immune system, plays a vital role in innate immunity. MiR155, a multi-functional microRNA, has gained importance as a regulator of homeostasis in immune cells. However, the immunoregulatory mechanism between L-arginine and miR155 in bacterial infections is unknown. Here, we investigated the potential role of miR155 in inflammation and the molecular regulatory mechanisms of L-arginine in Streptococcus uberis (S. uberis) infections. And we observed that miR155 was up-regulated after infection, accompanying the depletion of L-arginine, leading to metabolic disorders of amino acids and severe tissue damage. Mechanically, the upregulated miR155 mediated by the p65 protein played a pro-inflammatory role by suppressing the suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 (SOCS6)-mediated p65 ubiquitination and degradation. This culminated in a violently inflammatory response and tissue damage. Interestingly, a significant antiinflammatory effect was revealed in L-arginine supplementation by reducing miR155 production via inhibiting p65. This work firstly uncovers the pro-inflammatory role of miR155 and an anti-inflammatory mechanism of L-arginine in S.uberis infection with a mouse mastitis model. Collectively, we provide new insights and strategies for the prevention and control of this important pathogen, which is of great significance for ensuring human food health and safety.
Streptococcus uberis,L-arginine,miR155,SOCS6,Inflammation
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