Third vaccine boosters and anti-S-IgG levels: A comparison of homologous and heterologous responses and poor immunogenicity in hepatocellular carcinoma


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The immune response of patients with chronic liver disease tends to be lower after receiving their second coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine dose, but the effect of a third vaccine dose on their immune response is currently unknown. We recruited 722 patients without previous severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection from three hospitals. The patients received homologous (MMM) and heterologous (AZAZBNT, AZAZM) boosters, where AZ, BNT, and M denoted the AZD1222, BNT162b2, and mRNA-1273 vaccines, respectively. Serum IgG spike antibody levels were measured at a mean 1.5 +/- 0.7 (visit 1) and 5.0 +/- 0.5 (visit 2) months after the third vaccine booster. A threshold of 4160 AU/mL was considered significant antibody activity. In both visits, the patients who received the MMM booster had higher anti-S-IgG levels than those who received the AZAZBNT and AZAZM boosters. Patients with active hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) had lower anti-S-IgG levels than the control group (761.6 vs. 1498.2 BAU/mL; p = 0.019) at visit 1. The anti-S-IgG levels decreased significantly at visit 2. The patients with significant antibody activity had a lower rate of liver cirrhosis with decompensation (0.7% decompensation vs. 8.0% non-decompensation and 91.3% non-liver cirrhosis, p = 0.015), and active HCC (1.5% active HCC vs. 3.7% non-active HCC and 94.7% non-HCC, p < 0.001). Receiving the MMM booster regimen (OR = 10.67, 95% CI 5.20-21.91, p < 0.001) increased the odds of having significant antibody activity compared with the AZAZBNT booster regimen. Patients with active HCC had a reduced immune response to the third COVID-19 vaccine booster. These findings underscore the importance of booster vaccinations, especially in immunocompromised patients, with superior efficacy observed with the homologous mRNA-1273 regimen.
AZD1222,BNT162b2,chronic liver disease,hepatocellular carcinoma,mRNA-1273
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