Secure Network Function Computation for Linear FunctionsPart I: Source Security


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In this paper, we put forward secure network function computation over a directed acyclic network. In such a network, a sink node is required to compute with zero error a target function of which the inputs are generated as source messages at multiple source nodes, while a wiretapper, who can access any one but not more than one wiretap set in a given collection of wiretap sets, is not allowed to obtain any information about a security function of the source messages. The secure computing capacity for the above model is defined as the maximum average number of times that the target function can be securely computed with zero error at the sink node with the given collection of wiretap sets and security function for one use of the network. The characterization of this capacity is in general overwhelmingly difficult. In the current paper, we consider securely computing linear functions with a wiretapper who can eavesdrop any subset of edges up to a certain size r, referred to as the security level, with the security function being the identity function. We first prove an upper bound on the secure computing capacity, which is applicable to arbitrary network topologies and arbitrary security levels. This upper bound depends on the network topology and security level. Furthermore, we obtain an upper bound and a lower bound on this bound, which are both in closed form. In particular, when the security level r is equal to 0, our upper bound reduces to the computing capacity without security consideration. Also, we discover the surprising fact that for some models, there is no penalty on the secure computing capacity compared with the computing capacity without security consideration. Furthermore, we obtain an equivalent expression of the upper bound by using a graph-theoretic approach, and accordingly we develop an efficient approach for computing this bound. On the other hand, we present a construction of linear function-computing secure network codes and obtain a lower bound on the secure computing capacity. By our code construction, for the linear function which is over a given finite field, we can always construct a (vector-) linear function-computing secure network code over the same field. We also give some sufficient conditions for the tightness of the lower bound in terms of the network topology. With this lower bound and the upper bound we have obtained, the secure computing capacity for some classes of secure models can be fully characterized. Another interesting case is that the security function is the same as the target function, which will be investigated in Part II of this paper.
Security,Upper bound,Computational modeling,Network topology,Network coding,Codes,Ciphers,Secure network function computation,linear functions,source security,secure computing capacity,linear function-computing secure network coding,code construction,information-theoretic security
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