Detecting Low-Degree Truncation


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We consider the following basic, and very broad, statistical problem: Given a known high-dimensional distribution D over ℝ^n and a collection of data points in ℝ^n, distinguish between the two possibilities that (i) the data was drawn from D, versus (ii) the data was drawn from D|_S, i.e. from D subject to truncation by an unknown truncation set S ⊆ℝ^n. We study this problem in the setting where D is a high-dimensional i.i.d. product distribution and S is an unknown degree-d polynomial threshold function (one of the most well-studied types of Boolean-valued function over ℝ^n). Our main results are an efficient algorithm when D is a hypercontractive distribution, and a matching lower bound: ∙ For any constant d, we give a polynomial-time algorithm which successfully distinguishes D from D|_S using O(n^d/2) samples (subject to mild technical conditions on D and S); ∙ Even for the simplest case of D being the uniform distribution over {+1, -1}^n, we show that for any constant d, any distinguishing algorithm for degree-d polynomial threshold functions must use Ω(n^d/2) samples.
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