Accelerated Hematopoietic Stem Cell Aging in Space

Jessica Pham,Jane Isquith, Larisa Balaian,Luisa Ladel, Shuvro P. Nandi, Karla Mack, Inge van der Werf, Emma Klacking, Antonio Ruiz, David Mays, Paul Gamble, Shelby Giza, Jiya Janowitz, Trevor Nienaber,Tejaswini Mishra, Anna Kulidjian, Jana Stoudemire,Michael P. Snyder, Twyman Clements,Alysson R. Muotri, Sheldon R. Morris,Thomas Whisenant, Ludmil B. Alexandrov,Catriona H.M. Jamieson


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Stem cell aging is accelerated by macroenvironmental and microenvironmental stressors, including inflammation. Previously, the NASA Twins study revealed inflammatory cytokine upregulation, chromosomal alterations, and telomere changes suggestive of accelerated aging in low-Earth orbit (LEO). To investigate the effects of spaceflight on human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) aging, the NASA-supported Integrated Space Stem Cell Orbital Research team performed four independent 30- to 45-day NASA missions with matched flight and ground HSPC nanobioreactors in automated CubeLabs. These experiments revealed loss of HSPC dormancy, reduced self-renewal capacity, mitochondrial DNA amplification, APOBEC3-induced C-to-T mutagenesis, reduced ADAR1p150 expression, and alterations in the expression of repetitive elements. These molecular changes are indicative of accelerated HSPC aging and pre-leukemia stem cell generation in space and may be predictable and preventable. ### Competing Interest Statement C.H.M.J. co-founded Impact Biomedicines and is a co-founder of Aspera Biomedicines; received royalties from Forty Seven Inc. Other authors have no relevant competing interests.
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