Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Nerve Fiber Distribution Patterns in 3D-PLI


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A comprehensive understanding of the organizational principles in the human brain requires, among other factors, well-quantifiable descriptors of nerve fiber architecture. Three-dimensional polarized light imaging (3D-PLI) is a microscopic imaging technique that enables insights into the fine-grained organization of myelinated nerve fibers with high resolution. Descriptors characterizing the fiber architecture observed in 3D-PLI would enable downstream analysis tasks such as multimodal correlation studies, clustering, and mapping. However, best practices for observer-independent characterization of fiber architecture in 3D-PLI are not yet available. To this end, we propose the application of a fully data-driven approach to characterize nerve fiber architecture in 3D-PLI images using self-supervised representation learning. We introduce a 3D-Context Contrastive Learning (CL-3D) objective that utilizes the spatial neighborhood of texture examples across histological brain sections of a 3D reconstructed volume to sample positive pairs for contrastive learning. We combine this sampling strategy with specifically designed image augmentations to gain robustness to typical variations in 3D-PLI parameter maps. The approach is demonstrated for the 3D reconstructed occipital lobe of a vervet monkey brain. We show that extracted features are highly sensitive to different configurations of nerve fibers, yet robust to variations between consecutive brain sections arising from histological processing. We demonstrate their practical applicability for retrieving clusters of homogeneous fiber architecture and performing data mining for interactively selected templates of specific components of fiber architecture such as U-fibers.
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