(Pre-)Linguistic Problem Solving Based on Dynamic Semantics.

2023 14th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom)(2023)

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Based on the famous monkey-banana problem, we propose a general solution mechanism for alloplastic coping using dynamic and database semantics, dynamic programming and minimalist grammar as a pre-linguistic device. We show that the generation of a solution plan (i.e. a program) for a given problem - “fetch the banana from the ceiling” - involves solving the frame problem of artificial intelligence in terms of generalization and unification operators, where the problem space is represented by locally interpreted feature-value relations. Using dynamic programming for the backward planning, a sequence of mentally represented instructions is obtained under the constraint that antecedent and consequent states of successive actions must be compatible to each other. These conditions can be naturally represented by the feature-matching mechanism of minimalist grammars. We discuss the crucial difference of this kind of pre-linguistic inference with proper linguistic derivations.
Dynamic Semantics,Minimalist,Dynamic Programming,Problem Framing,Typical Behavior,State Space,Set Of Equations,Sequence Of Actions,Global Status,Problem Statement,State-space Model,Formal Language,Markov Decision Process,Semantic Representations,Exploration Phase,Bellman Equation,Starting State,Planning Problem,Position Of Agent,Syntactic Features,Inference Mechanism,Cognitive Agents,Inverse Behavior,Task Planning,Cost Function,Inference Rules,Semantic Features,Transition State
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