GINN: Towards Gender InclusioNeural Network.

2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)(2023)

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Today’s data-driven systems and official statistics often oversimplify the concept of gender, reducing it to binary data, with far-reaching implications for policy development and equitable access to services. This simplification can lead to misclassification and discrimination against individuals who identify as non-binary.We are working to advance our research in this area to develop new, more equitable approaches that can avoid discrimination based on gender identity. Within this research framework, our primary focus is on mitigating the problem of underrepresentation and, in some cases, the complete absence of non-binary individuals in data collection.With this goal in mind, we present the GINN Gender InclusioNeural Network. This is our first attempt to develop an equitable neural network that accurately identifies gender in a multiclass context and includes individuals whose gender identity does not fall on the binary spectrum. To achieve this goal, we conducted a comprehensive comparative analysis of several fine-tuned neural network models. Our goal was to gain a deep understanding of the crucial distinguishing features in gender identify classification and to highlight the limitation of current methods using explainable AI techniques.The initial results are promising and demonstrate the effectiveness of a fine-tuned EfficientNetB0 model in accurately categorizing images of individuals into their self-reported gender, but we are skeptical about the application in a real-world scenario because of the amount of data available about non-binary people at the moment.
Gender Equality,Neural Network,Automatic Gender Recognition,Non-Binary
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