Homicidal Chauffeur Reach-Avoid Games via Guaranteed Winning Strategies

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control(2023)

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This paper studies a planar Homicidal Chauffeur reach-avoid differential game, where the pursuer is a Dubins car and the evader has simple motion. The pursuer aims to protect a goal region from the evader. The game is solved in an analytical approach instead of solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations numerically. First, an evasion region (ER) is introduced, based on which a pursuit strategy guaranteeing the winning of a simple-motion pursuer under specific conditions is proposed. Motivated by the simple-motion pursuer, a strategy for a Dubins-car pursuer is proposed when the pursuer-evader configuration satisfies separation condition (SC) and interception orientation (IO) . The necessary and sufficient condition on capture radius, minimum turning radius and speed ratio to guarantee the pursuit winning is derived. When the IO is deviated (Non-IO), a heading adjustment pursuit strategy is proposed, and the condition to achieve IO within a finite time, is given. Based on it, a two-step pursuit strategy is proposed for the SC and Non-IO case. A non-convex optimization problem is introduced to give a condition guaranteeing the winning of the pursuer. A polynomial equation gives a lower bound of the non-convex problem, providing a sufficient and efficient pursuit winning condition. Finally, we extend to multiplayer games by collecting pairwise outcomes for pursuer-evader matchings. Simulations are provided to illustrate the theoretical results.
Differential games,Homicidal Chauffeur,reach-avoid games,winning strategies,multi-agent systems
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