Patch-based CNN Models for Bone Marrow Edema Detection Using MRI.

2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)(2023)

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Bone marrow edema (BME) or bone marrow lesion is the term attributed to an observed signal change within the bone marrow in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). BME can be originated from multiple mechanisms, with pain being the main symptom. The presence of BME is an unspecific but sensitive sign with a wide differential diagnosis, that may act as a guide that leads to a systematic and correct interpretation of the magnetic resonance examination. An automatic approach for BME detection and quantification aims to reduce the overload of clinicians, decreasing human error and accelerating the time to the correct diagnosis. In this work, the bone region on the MRI slice was split into several patches and a CNN-based model was trained to detect BME in each patch from the MRI slice. The learning model developed achieved an AUC of 0.853 ± 0.056, showing that the CNN-based model can be used to detect BME in the MRI and confirming the patch strategy implemented to deal with the small data size and allowing the neural network to learn the specific information related with the classification task by reducing the region of the image to be considered. A learning model that can help clinicians with BME identification will decrease the time and the error for the diagnosis, and represent the first step for a more objective assessment of the BME.
Convolutional Neural Networks,Patch Analysis,Medical Imaging Analysis,Bone Edema Detection
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