Quantum Simulations of Hadron Dynamics in the Schwinger Model using 112 Qubits


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Hadron wavepackets are prepared and time evolved in the Schwinger model using 112 qubits of IBM's 133-qubit Heron quantum computer ibm_torino. The initialization of the hadron wavepacket is performed in two steps. First, the vacuum is prepared across the whole lattice using the recently developed SC-ADAPT-VQE algorithm and workflow. SC-ADAPT-VQE is then extended to the preparation of localized states, and used to establish a hadron wavepacket on top of the vacuum. This is done by adaptively constructing low-depth circuits that maximize the overlap with an adiabatically prepared hadron wavepacket. Due to the localized nature of the wavepacket, these circuits can be determined on a sequence of small lattices using classical computers, and then robustly scaled to prepare wavepackets on large lattices for simulations using quantum computers. Time evolution is implemented with a second-order Trotterization. To reduce both the required qubit connectivity and circuit depth, an approximate quasi-local interaction is introduced. This approximation is made possible by the emergence of confinement at long distances, and converges exponentially with increasing distance of the interactions. Using multiple error-mitigation strategies, up to 14 Trotter steps of time evolution are performed, employing 13,858 two-qubit gates (with a CNOT depth of 370). The propagation of hadrons is clearly identified, with results that compare favorably with Matrix Product State simulations. Prospects for a near-term quantum advantage in simulations of hadron scattering are discussed.
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