Developing a social sensing index for monitoring place-oriented mental health issues using social media (twitter) data

Urban Informatics(2024)

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Research shows that certain external factors can affect the mental health of many people in a community. Moreover, the importance of mental health has significantly increased in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people communicate and express their emotions through social media platforms, which provide researchers with opportunities to examine insights into their opinions and mental state. While social sensing studies using social media data have flourished in the last decade, many studies using social media data to detect and predict mental health status have focused on the individual level. In this study, we aim to generate a social sensing index for mental health to monitor emotional well-being, which is closely related to mental health, and to identify daily trends in negative emotions at the city level. We conduct sentiment analysis on Twitter data and compute entropy of the degree of sentiment change to develop the index. We observe sentiment trends fluctuate significantly in response to unusual events. It is found that the social sensing index for mental health reflects both city-wide and local events that trigger negative emotions, as well as areas where negative emotions persist. The study contributes to the growing body of research that uses social media data to examine mental health at a city-level. We focus on mental health at the city-level rather than individual, which provides a broader perspective on the mental health of a population. Social sensing index for mental health allows public health professionals to monitor and identify persistent negative sentiments and potential areas where mental health issues may emerge.
Social media,Sentiment analysis,Social sensing,Mental health
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