Analysis of the pattern of microstructural changes in the brain after mTBI with diffusion tensor imaging and subject-specific FE models

Brain Multiphysics(2024)

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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health challenge. Up to 90 % of TBIs are on the mild spectrum of TBI (mTBI), where diagnosis is a major challenge. Majority of studies in this field have been conducted on human subjects, which inherently suffer from the lack of appropriate control group, selection bias, and individual differences in patients. To overcome these limitations, animal studies have been used as an alternative approach to provide deeper insights into the underlying mechanism related to the injury. Therefore our aim is to investigate various quantitative imaging biomarkers acquired from T1-W and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) sequences to provide more information about the microstructural changes in the brain after mTBI. We then use this to generate subject-specific finite element models of the brain and examine how the changes in the brain material properties reflected in MR images affects strain distribution patterns on a subsequent head hit. Our study revealed a decrease in FA and an increase in diffusivity indices (MD, AD, RD) in the white matter tracts of the brain. This finding may represent the axonal damage, demyelination and gliosis after mild TBI, which have been shown in other animal and human studies. Moreover, our FE analysis showed that microstructural changes in the brain after mTBI might have weakened the structural integrity of the brain as the subsequent head hit led to wider and more severe brain deformations.
Mild traumatic brain injury,Diffusion tensor imaging,Finite element analysis,Large animal model
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