Operando X-Ray imaging of stochastic inter-regime instabilities in laser melting processes: direct evidence of acoustic emission signatures

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is a metal additive manufacturing technique involving complex interplays between vapor, liquid, and solid phases. Despite LPBF’s unprecedented capabilities compared to conventional manufacturing methods, the underlying physical phenomena can result in inter-regime instabilities followed by transitions between conduction and keyhole melting regimes — leading to defects. For the first time, we investigated these issues through operando synchrotron X-ray imaging synchronized with acoustic emission recording, during the remelting processes of LPBF-produced thin walls, monitoring regime changes occurring under constant laser processing parameters. The collected data show an increment in acoustic signal amplitude when switching from conduction to keyhole regime, which we correlated to changes in laser absorptivity. Moreover, a full correlation between X-ray imaging and the acoustic signals permitted the design of a simple filtering algorithm to predict the melting regimes. As a result, conduction, stable keyhole, and unstable keyhole regimes could be identified with a time resolution of 100 µs, even under rapid transitions, providing a straightforward method to accurately detect undesired processing regimes without the use of artificial intelligence.
laser melting processes,stochastic,x-ray,inter-regime
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