Robotics and process automation technologies for healthcare informatics

Institution of Engineering and Technology eBooks(2023)

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Healthcare is the backbone of the nation and is a patient-centered industry. The introduction of robots into the health sector will play a vital role. Robots were frequently seen as "advanced technology," and patients may find them indifferent. Nonetheless, robots are starting to appear in a variety of functions in hospitals, i.e., from health monitoring of the patients to the management of the hospitals. Even the management can generate lots of revenues if the robots work perfectly. Robotics' automation can be readily designed to do simple tasks across apps in the same way those humans do. A process with several stages (like monitoring of the patient's health-related parameters) and operations, such as receiving forms, delivering a reception message, validating the form for compliance, putting the form in a folder, and maintaining a spreadsheet with the identity of the document, the date submitted, and so forth, can indeed be explained through the program. The training of the robots to work efficiently in the healthcare systems faces many issues, as its dysfunction can result in a disaster and the life-threatening to the patients. The chapter discusses the various challenges of the use of robots in the healthcare industry. The challenges are like what training the robots should get to work perfectly with the given environment. How the robots assist in the scarcity of nursing, doctors, and other healthcare providers by supporting the providers with repetitive duties, allowing the practitioner to undertake higher-level functions. How the robots minimize the need for "outsourcing production" management operations in healthcare. These intense observations and literature conclude that the Health Robotics categorization outlines how to offer high-quality patient care, effective medical operations, and a comfortable workplace for both doctors and healthcare staff. The chapter concludes with the case study where the robot ensures to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the patient's data.
healthcare informatics,process automation technologies
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