Factors influencing the effectiveness of blended learning activities: A case study of Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Nghiem Xuan Huy, Ngo Thi Thanh Huyen, Vu Ngoc Huy, Nguyen Thai Ba,Luu Quoc Dat

Multidisciplinary Science Journal(2023)

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Blended learning (BL) is an increasingly important pedagogical approach that combines traditional classroom instruction with digital resources to enhance student engagement and learning experiences. This study aims to evaluate the factors that influence the effectiveness of teaching activities in a BL model. Four groups of factors with a total of 20 sub-factors are considered, including lecturer-related factor (6 sub-factors), student-related factor (6 sub-factors), organizational factor (4 sub-factors), and technology factor (4 sub-factors). To collect data, this study conducted interviews with experts and managers who have extensive experience in managing training activities at Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The generalized fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method is applied to evaluate the effectiveness of BL activities at VNU-Hanoi. The results revealed that lecturer-related factors have the most significant impact on the effectiveness of BL activities at VNU-Hanoi, followed by technology, organizational, and student-related factors. These findings highlight the importance of supporting and preparing lecturers to deliver effective BL experiences.
blended learning,vietnam national university,study,activities
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