Implementation and Evaluation of a Hybrid Network Topology in an Infiniband-based HPC cluster

Gabriel Gomez-Lopez,Jesús Escudero-Sahuquillo, Pedro J. García,Francisco J. Quiles

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract InfiniBand networking technology widely utilized in modern high-performance systems. This work describes the implementation of the hybrid network topology known as KNS in a real HPC cluster using an InfiniBand interconnection network. He have used cluster CELLIA (Cluster for the Evaluation of Low-Latency Architectures), consists of 50 compute and storage nodes equipped with InfiniBand network cards, and up to 50 8-port InfiniBand switches, which allow us to build several topologies. We have implemented the KNS routing algorithm in OpenSM, the subnet manager provided by the OpenFabrics Software (OFS). We also evaluate the performance of the KNS topology using well-known benchmarks, such as HPCC, HPCG, Graph500, and Netgauge. The obtained results show that the low-diameter KNS topology is an efficient and cost-effective alternative to interconnect the computing and storage nodes in HPC clusters. As far as we know, no known InfiniBand system has implemented this topology before.
hpc cluster,hybrid network topology,infiniband-based
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