Blood Supply Chain Management: A Review of Different Solution Techniques

Hussein Ali Khudhyer Alhadad,Abdelkarim Elloumi

Journal of mathematics and statistics studies(2023)

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Managing the blood supply network is crucially important. The lack of blood might result in patient problems and even death. Blood loss, on the other hand, results in hefty expenses. To reduce the levels of shortage and wastage, the blood product supply chain must make the best decisions possible. Numerous writers have researched this field because of the intricacy and significance of the blood supply chain. This essay aims to provide an overview of research on the blood supply chain. Studies that were published from 2015 to 2022 were therefore examined and categorized. This survey's main contribution is to update the body of research on the blood supply chain with a new classification and critically evaluate the state of the art in this field. Environments for making decisions, problems with the blood supply chain's design, working methods, decision-making, modeling, problem-solving methods, and data features are among the suggested categories. In addition, the shortcomings and inadequacies in the existing literature are emphasized, and potential study approaches are presented.
blood supply chain management,supply chain
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