Design of Smart Geo-Sensor for Detection of Fluoride in Water Resources

Lecture notes in civil engineering(2023)

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Water quality monitoring is a very important factor for sustainable life. In this developing world, the concentration of fluoride is increasing day by day due to urbanization, industrialization, and heavy population. Nearly 120 million communities in India have estimated the risk of fluorosis as an effect of exposure to aquas fluoride. Increased fluoride in drinkable water is a nationwide concern. About 64% of California's population on community water system receive fluorides’ water. Fluoride is also detrimental to the robustness of humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports permissible range as 0.5–1.5 mg/L. Going beyond, this range is hazardous and treacherous. Sensing the parameter on a real-time on-field basis is an essential thing. The concept of an intelligent sensor can sense these parameters and collectively helps to monitor water resources. In this study, we have proposed the design of a smart geo-sensor for sensing the fluoride in the water. The proposed design is portable, independent, selective for fluoride and technically sound. The proposed design is simulated and optimized after designing. Smart sensor has five main components as sensing node, controlling node, alarming node, connecting node, and power node which is discussed in detail.
fluoride,water resources,geo-sensor
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