Accelerating Patch Validation for Program Repair with Interception-Based Execution Scheduling

Yongguang Xiao,Chenyang Yang, Jianpeng Wang,Yingfei Xiong

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Long patch validation time is a limiting factor for automated program repair (APR). Though the duality between patch validation and mutation testing is recognized, so far there exists no study of systematically adapting mutation testing techniques to general-purpose patch validation. To address this gap, we investigate existing mutation testing techniques and recognize five classes of acceleration techniques that are suitable for general-purpose patch validation. Among them, mutant schemata and mutant deduplication have not been adapted to general-purpose patch validation due to the arbitrary changes that third-party APR approaches may introduce. This presents two problems for adaption: 1) the difficulty of implementing the static equivalence analysis required by the state-of-the-art mutant deduplication approach; 2) the difficulty of capturing patches' changes to the system state at runtime. To overcome these problems, we propose two novel approaches: 1) execution scheduling, which detects the equivalence between patches online, avoiding the static equivalence analysis and its imprecision; 2) interception-based instrumentation, which intercepts patches' changes to the system state, avoiding a full interpreter and its overhead. Based on the contributions above, we implement ExpressAPR, a general-purpose patch validator for Java that integrates all recognized classes of techniques suitable for patch validation. Our large-scale evaluation with four APR approaches shows that ExpressAPR accelerates patch validation by 137.1x over plain validation or 8.8x over the state-of-the-art approach, making patch validation no longer the time bottleneck of APR. Patch validation time for a single bug can be reduced to within a few minutes on mainstream CPUs.
patch validation,program repair,execution scheduling,interception-based
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