A Systematic Review of Stemmers of Indian and Non-Indian Vernacular Languages.

ACM Trans. Asian Low Resour. Lang. Inf. Process.(2024)

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The stemming process is crucial and significant in the pre-processing step of natural language processing. The stemmer oversees the stemming process. It facilitates the extraction of morphological variants of a root or base word from the provided word. Over the period, several stemmers for various vernacular languages have been proposed. However, very few research studies have comprehensively investigated these available stemmers. This article makes multifold contributions. First, we discuss the various stemmers of 15 Indian and 17 non-Indian languages describing their key points, benefits, and drawbacks. All the Indian languages for which stemmers have been built are covered in this study. For the non-Indian languages, stemmers of commonly spoken languages have been covered. Second, we present a language-wise comparative analysis of stemmers based on our identified parameters. Third, we discuss the wordnets and dictionaries available for different languages. Fourth, we provide details of the datasets available for various languages. Fifth, we also provide challenges in existing stemmers and future directions for future researchers. The study presented in this article reveals that significant research has been carried out for the stemmers of influential languages such as English, Arabic, and Urdu. On the other hand, languages with d resources, such as Farsi, Polish, Odia, Amharic, and others, have received the least attention for research. Moreover, rigorous analysis reveals that most of the stemmers suffer from over-stemming errors. With a complete catalogue of available stemmers, this study aims at assisting the researchers and professionals working in the areas such as information retrieval, semantic annotation, word meaning disambiguation, and ontology learning.
Natural Language Processing (NLP),stemming,rule-based stemmer,dictionary-based stemmer,hybrid stemmer,over-stemming error,under-stemming error
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