Orai1 and Orai1 support calcium entry and mammosphere formation in breast cancer stem cells


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Orai1 is the pore-forming subunit of the Ca2+-release activated Ca2+ channels that mediate store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) in excitable and non-excitable cells. Two Orai1 forms have been identified in mammalian cells, the full-length variant Orai1 alpha, and the short form Orai1 beta, lacking the N-terminal 63 amino acids. Stem cells were isolated from non-tumoral breast epithelial cells of the MCF10A cell line, and the most representative ER+, HER2 or triple negative breast cancer cell lines MCF7, SKBR3 and MDA-MB-231, respectively. Orai and TRPC family members expression was detected by RT-PCR and Western blotting. Changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration were analyzed by confocal microscopy using Fluo 4 and the spheroid-forming ability and self-renewal was estimated in culture plates coated with pHEMA using a cell imaging system. Here, we have characterized the expression of Orai family members and several TRPC channels at the transcript level in breast stem cells (BSC) derived from the non-tumoral breast epithelial cell line MCF10A and breast cancer stem cells (BCSC) derived from the well-known estrogen receptor positive (ER+), HER2 and triple negative cell lines MCF7, SKBR3 and MDA-MB-231, respectively. Furthermore, we have evaluated the mammosphere formation efficiency and self-renewal of the BSC and BCSC. Next, through a combination of Orai1 knockdown by iRNA and the use of MDA-MB-231 KO cells, missing the native Orai1, transfected with plasmids encoding for either Orai1 alpha or Orai1 beta, we show that Orai1 is essential for mammosphere formation and self-renewal efficiency in BCSC derived from triple negative and HER2 subtypes cell cultures, while this channel has a negligible effect in BCSC derived from ER+cells as well as in non-tumoral BSC. Both, Orai1 alpha, and Orai1 beta support SOCE in MDA-MB-231-derived BCSC with similar efficiency, as well as COX activation and mammosphere formation. These findings provide evidence of the functional role of Orai1 alpha and Orai1 beta in spheroid forming efficiency and self-renewal in breast cancer stem cells.
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