From analysis of textual/discursive genres to didactic proposals: Interview with Joaquim Dolz

Joaquim Dolz,Kleber Silva, Paula Cobucci


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The central objective of this interview is to present reflections from the analysis of textual/discursive genres to didactic proposals, focusing, among others, on themes such as the importance of working in the classroom with textual/discursive genres for the formation of citizens capable of acting socially, demanding their rights, exposing their thoughts and desires. The text invites us to a "criticism from the inside out", through the following provocation and/or question: "How to empower the Portuguese Language teacher to productively teach textual genres and (trans)form Brazilian citizens through a critical linguistic education? Based on an interview carried out via the Zoom platform and e-mail exchanges with the pioneer and scholar in the area of Didactics of Languages, Joaquim Dolz, from the University of Geneva, the aim is to raise critical reflections on planning and teaching experiences in the classroom, (re)present realities of the teaching of textual/discursive genres in Portuguese and unveil useful methodological and theoretical possibilities for the rupture of crystallized conceptions in the Brazilian public education system.
critical linguistic education,textual/discursive genres,Portuguese language teaching
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