Development of Mobile App to Enable Local Update on Mapping API: Construction Sites Monitoring through Digital Twin


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Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have emerged as a promising solution for reconnaissance missions, overcoming labor cost, frequency, and subjectivity issues associated with manual procedures. However, for dynamic environments such as construction sites, the constantly changing conditions hinder a manager from planning the UGV's paths. For an autonomous monitoring mission, the path planning should be dealt with by having a map with the site's most recent scene. In this study, we develop a mobile app capable of local map updates by overlaying an image on a mapping API (e.g., Google Maps) hence working as a digital twin capable of creating a dynamic representation of the updated terrain over the mapping API. UGV operators can draw a path on such an updated construction scene using a tablet PC or smartphone. Discrete GPS information (e.g., latitudinal, and longitudinal) is executed for the UGV's controller. In the overlaying procedure, the homographic relation between the image and map is automatically computed and then projected. We successfully demonstrated the capabilities of the technique with two construction sites and a soccer field using images from the ground and satellite, respectively. The error generation is quantitatively measured and analyzed.
reconnaissance mission,google maps API,autonomous driving,unmanned ground vehicles,GPS,digital twin
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