Systematic Discovery of the Functional Impact of Somatic Genome Alterations in Individual Tumors through Tumor-specific Causal Inference

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2018)

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Abstract We report a tumor-specific causal inference (TCI) framework, which discovers causative somatic genome alterations (SGAs) through inferring causal relationships between SGAs and molecular phenotypes (e.g., transcriptomic, proteomic, or metabolomic changes) within an individual tumor. We applied the TCI algorithm to tumors from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and identified those SGAs that causally regulate the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) within each tumor. Overall, TCI identified 634 SGAs that cause cancer-related DEGs in a significant number of tumors, including most of the previously known drivers and many novel candidate cancer drivers. The inferred causal relationships are statistically robust and biologically sensible, and multiple lines of experimental evidence support the predicted functional impact of both well-known and novel candidate drivers. By identifying major candidate drivers and revealing their functional impact in a tumor, TCI shed light on disease mechanisms of each tumor, providing useful information for advancing cancer biology and precision oncology. Significance statements Cancer is mainly caused by SGAs. Precision oncology involves identifying and targeting tumor-specific aberrations resulting from causative SGAs. TCI is a novel computational framework for discovering the causative SGAs and their impact on oncogenic processes, thus revealing tumor-specific disease mechanisms. This information can be used to guide precision oncology.
somatic genome alterations,individual tumors,tumor-specific
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